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Today’s Project:
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July 29th is Save the Tiger Day! The majestic tiger, known for its stunning stripes, has lost two of its eight subspecies over the last 80 years. The six remaining subspecies are all considered endangered or critically endangered, and some scientists predict that they could all be extinct in the wild within the next decade. Tigers need our help now. Join Project Peril to combat poaching to save the tiger!
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Last updated Jul 30 (updated M-F, 9am PST)
Read more at https://greatergood.com/#5Hvs9S8YE2P8dOYj.99
Recent Projects
Provide a Mexican Family with Safe Drinking Water for 4 Years: Completed July 28, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/19110407/83170_CTG.jpg

48,000 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
Millions of Mexicans in marginalized communities are exposed to harmful waterborne illnesses since they lack access to safe drinking water. To combat this, Cantaro Azul identifies and trains women entrepreneurs in rural areas to operate and manage local water businesses that serve their communities with affordable and high-quality drinking water. Just your clicks alone will provide a Mexican family with clean drinking water for four years! Help today.
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Bring Critical Water to Native American Families: Completed July 27, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/13112130/80443_1000_1.jpg

47,600 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
The Tohono O’odham Reservation, which stretches along the Mexican border through the Sonoran Desert and southwest Arizona, is extremely isolated and painfully food deprived. The majority of the residents live well below the poverty level, with many making a mere $358 per month. The grocery store is a 2-hour drive away, and the little agriculture has all but dried up over the past decades. In addition to limited income and lack of food sources, few have access to transportation. This makes the already inaccessible food even more unattainable for the village of Gu Vo. With your help the Native Americans of Gu Vo can harvest rainwater for their gardens. Click today.
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Feed a Rescued Greyhound for 6 Months: Completed July 26, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/19102005/83091_CTG.jpg

48,000 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
Dogs in the racing industry are victims of standard practices that are cruel and inhumane. At racetracks across the country, thousands of greyhounds endure lives in horrendous conditions, spending most of their time in confinement. Join GREY2K USA in their mission to rescue greyhounds from the racetrack and give them the special care they deserve. Click today to feed a rescued greyhound for 6 months!
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Help Save the Tiger: Completed July 24, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/14091312/81571_CTG.jpg

66,000 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
Sharks have been one of the top predators in the oceans for over 4 million years. Yet, overfishing and illegal fishing for their fins – used to make expensive Asian shark fin soup – combined with ocean habitat loss, are contributing to their rapid decline. Sharks need our help now. Project Peril is committed to working with the best non-profits to combat the immense shark fishing problem. In celebration of Shark Week, help save the shark!
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Provide 7 Weeks of Hospital Care to a Woman with Obstetric Fistula: Completed July 24, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/63233-292x2921.jpg

70,000 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
Obstetric fistulas (a hole in the birth canal) are caused by prolonged, obstructed labor. Many women who experience an obstetric fistula suffer from incontinence, shame, social isolation, and health problems. It is estimated that more than
two million young women live with untreated obstetric fistulas in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda Village Project (UVP) heals women with fistulas in eastern Uganda by facilitating their repair surgery and following up to ensure a safe recovery.
This campaign is complete.
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Help Build 20 Square Feet of an Aviary for Rescued Exotic Birds: Completed July 21, 2017
image: https://dga4xc2lqi18a.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/14094816/80150_CTG.jpg

48,000 daily clicks funded this project – thank you!
The Oasis Sanctuary provides a safe haven for exotic birds in need, providing them with a permanent home where they can live the remainder of their days in a flock community of their own species. Unfortunately, their existing aviary has deteriorated and they need your help to build a new one. Your clicks will build 20 square feet of roof for the new aviary!
This campaign is complete.
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Help Save the Shark: Completed July 19, 2017
Read more at https://greatergood.com/#5Hvs9S8YE2P8dOYj.99

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