Let's talk heart health. There is plenty of confusion and fear among individuals who are taking measure to prevent a heart attack or heart failure like their parents and other peers may have succumbed. Fear of being diagnosed with what others have is one of the driving forces bringing patients into my office.
Cholesterol is not necessarily bad, it is purposeful. Cholesterol has a job to do. If you cholesterol were above 200, I would not recommend a "lowering" medication without first minimizing and eliminating sugar, trans fat, or partially hydrogenated oils. Never eat "Torpedoes of Death" aka Donuts. The main ingredients in donuts: wheat, sugar, cream, trans fat, sprinkles, and preservatives create total confusion to your body's natural fire prevention system. When you eat pastries and croissants, like I regularly review in diet journals from patients with a history of major heart dysfunction, you are sabotaging your intestines ability to absorb minerals.
Wheat products literally "glue" the little villi in your intestines together. This shows up on ACG (Acoustic Cardiogram) findings as a heart quiver. We translate sound energy from the valves closing to a graph. The heart is actually momentarily hesitating. I have also observed pockets of intestinal gas in the lower spinal X-ray views. The gas is from poor digestion created by the gluten. Gluten sensitivity is increasingly common. Why do you think "Gluten-Free" aisles are popping up at your local grocery? Over time, when you improve your diet, you will be more able to absorb minerals, your heart and energy will also improve.
*Note, if your cholesterol is above 200, cut out wheat and sugar products completely.
Do not go on statins, rather eat one half of a red apple daily, one third cup of beets, and four or five baby, or one medium carrots. Your cholesterol will stabilize over time. I see it everyday. Dr. Bob
Good blood pressure readings,knowing what is good blood pressure and a healthy blood pressure readings to the range of blood pressure readings number,differ from one individual to the next, depending on age, fitness level and physical condition. It is important to know that having a good blood pressure reading today is not an assurance that you will also get a good reading tomorrow. That is why it is necessary to take your blood pressure reading at a frequent interval. This is so true especially to those people who are suffering from high blood pressure or heart-related problems. Reading Your Blood Pressure Levels
To explain blood pressure readings you need to known how to take blood pressure properly and understanding blood pressure readings is essential in getting accurate results. Factors that can affect your blood pressure reading include not properly supporting the arm while taking the blood pressure, not in the proper position, not resting for 5-10 minutes prior to taking the blood pressure reading, and extreme temperatures, just to mention some. Your doctor will be able to help you determine the blood pressure readings scale in your case for two reasons. On one hand, it is necessary to take blood pressure readings several times a day before you can be declared as having high blood pressure or just normal blood pressure. On the other hand, your doctor will consider your age, physical condition and fitness level as previously mentioned.
For example, people with diabetes or kidney disease will exhibit lower blood pressure readings than healthy individuals. Other disorders like anxiety attacks may also have a bearing on the readings because of the heart palpitations. You may have a health problem if your readings are less than 120/60 mmHg or is greater than 140/90 mmHg. In this case, you should consult your doctor for proper treatment and advice. What is normal blood pressure and how do you get back to normal blood pressure levels? Let’s assume that you have been diagnosed with hypertension. In this case, you will be prescribed medications by your doctor to help in controlling it. However, keep in mind that even with the best most expensive pharmaceutical products in the world, you will still not attain a good blood pressure reading or blood pressure readings being normal without the adoption of healthy lifestyle changes. To make your blood pressure readings normal your lifestyle changes are necessary to alter the body’s physiological condition, which have been damaged by unhealthy habits in the first place. You may start by:
Your body’s firefighter against inflammation. One question: What's causing the fire?
A Dr. Bob “Approved” Heart
Dr. Bob DeMaria
The Heart:
Sadly, if you read the obituary pages, there are more people passing on today in their thirties and forties of a "short illness" (heart attack) than any other time in history. What is going on here? Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world. Now, let me ask you some thought provoking questions about your own understanding of heart health. I will share my opinion in the paragraph located below the questions.
* What causes a heart attack?
* Can normal weight people have a heart attack?
* Can people who take cholesterol-lowering medications get heart attacks?
* Are beef and cheese the primary reasons your blood vessels get plugged?
* Is margarine safe?
From my experience and perspective, the exact cause of heart attacks is not necessarily known. Yes, there is much speculation, and depending what drug or medical supply company paid for the "research" the results are often skewed to create a platform so they can suggest the medication or services they are promoting. The competition is fierce and the monetary stakes are high. The bottom line with all the medication and procedures including angioplasties and stents is their positive impact on long-term heart health is a very small three percent. The theory that plugged vessels from accumulation of cholesterol is obviously not stopping heart attacks and disease from being one of the primary causes of death.
Someone of any size can have a heart attack; from my experience, being overweight does not promote life. Having more tissue for the body to oversee, can precipitate many common causes of death including cancer and diabetes; obesity's negative effect on health is staggering. I have observed people with what appears to be a fast metabolism who are thin, eating with reckless abandon, including body inflammation inducing convenience and fast foods with sugar and trans fat be disabled due to heart health issues. Smoking is also a common poisonous toxin for all tissues in the body.
It is now commonly accepted by those in the health field that inflammation plays a major role in the restriction of blood flow to heart muscle. Heart muscle demands an uninterrupted flow of oxygen. Yes, people have heart attacks and even die while on cholesterol lowering medication with normal cholesterol levels. That should suggest something.
Let's talk about cholesterol:
Your liver will make cholesterol as necessary for existence by the body. Actually 75% of cholesterol is made to meet the need. I am not suggesting you eat beef daily, however, I can tell you as a side note, that if you liver is functioning up-to-par, it can handle it. Our Western culture dietary addictions continue to create poor liver function. Inflammation in the body is one of the leading causes of blood vessel disease. Ninety-percent of heart and other chronic conditions can be prevented by focusing on vegetables, healthy oils (olive, flax, sesame seed), and minimal insulin stimulating items including sweet fruits and sugar.
Margarine is not a food. It was originally made with partially hydrogenated oil or trans fat. It was promoted to be safer and better than butter because it did not have cholesterol in the 'make-up'. Years of promoting "You can't fool Mother Nature" advertisements has had individuals deathly afraid of a tab of butter. Margarine has never been safe or good; the facts on negative information were released on trans fat or partially hydrogenated oil in 1998. Is this the first you have heard of it?
Margarine with trans fat not only raises the LDL cholesterol labeled as bad, it lowers the HDL cholesterol also known as the good cholesterol. Were you duped? I'll bet yes! It is not too late to change, but you are going to have to re-position your mindset.
Subpar or poor functioning thyroid function has a potential negative impact on heart health because of its effect on cholesterol metabolism and another item called homocysteine. When the thyroid is stuck on low, cholesterol tends to elevate with or without dietary restrictions. Your goal should be to have your LDL cholesterol below 75 as a way to prevent potential atherosclerosis or fat in the lining of the blood vessels. I have witnessed elevated LDL cholesterol levels in patients who have an inflammation diet. If I were you, I would start your own investigation on your heart health strategies.
Research over the past decade has identified another factor that seems to be as important as diet and lifestyle. The risk factor is high blood levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is created when the amino acid methionine, found in red meat, milk and milk products is broken down in the body. Under ideal circumstances, the body breaks down homocysteine with the help of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid.
Studies continue to establish stronger links between even moderately elevated blood levels of homocysteine and heart disease. In the 1992 Physicians' Health Study, men with very high homocysteine levels had a risk of heart attack three times that of men with normal homocysteine levels. In fact, an elevated homocysteine level was such a dominant factor, that it indicated increased risk even in the men who had no other cardiovascular risks.
Because of the importance of homocysteine levels of heart attack risk factors, efforts have thus far concentrated on lowering high levels through any means possible. And up until now, the only consistently successful approach has been to increase the intake of whole food B vitamins. However, new research indicates that lowering homocysteine levels in this manner may be simply masking a more serious, underlying problem that caused the elevating in the first place. The bigger problem is an under active thyroid.
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic have released findings showing that correcting an under active thyroid gland normalizes elevated homocysteine levels in the blood. Even more amazing is that the researchers were able to normalize homocysteine levels without having to administer any of the B vitamins. In other words, correcting the thyroid condition in turn corrected the vitamin deficiency. [1] Annals of Internal Medicine, 1999: 131 (5): 348-51.
When it comes to heart health, we are dealing with several issues:
1. Flawless blood flow; creating unrestricted movement of blood: The best to do is cut back on sugar and trans fat that precipitates inflammation restricted blood flow.
2. Strengthening heart tissue: I have found 3 Bio B 100's per day and 1 to 3 daily Cardio-Zyme from Biotics Research will go a long way to help. So does two daily Hawthorn Supreme from Gaia Herbs.
3. Reducing whatever is causing the inflammation in the vessels: Stop ice cream and yogurt!
4. Normalizing thyroid function: Have your TSH, T3, and T4 tested, you do not want subpar function.
5. Assessing homocysteine levels and correcting accordingly: B vitamins and thyroid function help control cysteine levels, a marker that can precipitate heart challenges.
Did you know omega-3 flax oil, if taken regularly, promotes a healthy environment for your heart with the production of good heart long chain fats called EPA (heart healthy fats) and a fat tissue hormone called prostaglandin 3 (PG3) that minimizes inflammation?
If you start eating walnuts, mixed greens, green beans, and flax oil, you are moving in the right direction. I would look for deep ocean salmon, and make sure that it is coming from the ocean, and not a farm. I do not recommend regular usage of salmon capsules for all patients who live in temperate climates.
I personally take two teaspoons of Anchovy/Sardine oils for heart health and omega-3 fats-it works for me. I would prefer you use plant sourced omega-3 fats, which I also use olive oil with my daily salad. Dr. Bob
Are prescription medications worth the risk?
Dr. Bob DeMaria
When was the last time you took a medication? Did you take a painkiller or an antibiotic? Are you aware that medications have unpleasant effects, some of which are so serious they can result in death? Many years ago, there was a brilliant young college student that needed money so she signed up to be a "guinea pig" for the Lilly Pharmaceutical Company. She was on a med that they were testing for cross marketing; it was designed for a bladder issues, but was also relieving some ladies who had depression. From what I understand, the young student become a part of the study; she had a reaction to the medication and actually took her life while being a part of the experiment. Do you ever think of yourself as a literal "guinea pig" when you take a medication?
Medications of all types, over-the-counter and those recommended by your concerned health care provider have effects. Drugs work by managing your symptoms; they do not get to the cause of your problem. Statin drugs work by tricking the liver into altering the physiology and processing of cholesterol that is supposed to be used for pain and sex hormone precursors; one of the side effects of a statin is the inability to arrive at an erection! Do you know that if you are taking statin drugs to lower your cholesterol, you are supposed to have your liver enzymes tested? The liver is busy at work trying to save your life! I would suggest you might want to look at my "Trans Fat Survival Guide" and learn what you can do to lower your cholesterol without any medications.
A very common OTC medication, as you more than like are aware of, is aspirin. Aspirin appears to be quite simple and very helpful. Do you know that you can have an ulcer, lower GI distress, and impaired fracture healing because of aspirins? Do you know it's quite possible that the "aspirin a day" protocol may be causing your osteoporosis? Aspirin works by tricking the normal fat metabolism of a "fat like" hormone substance in the body called PG2. We have a product called Bio-Allay from Biotics Research that is a pain reliever that does not have the negative effects aspirin does. I also suggest that you take Biomega-3 Liquid; it's great for relieving and preventing pain. I take two teaspoons everyday.
One of the worst drug families to get involved with are medications that alter digestion and "relieve" the pain of digestive distress. Do you know that most digestive distress is related to a lack of enzymes that are critically needed for proper digestion? If you are on any type of digestive drug, you would do best to start taking one Hydro-Zyme in the middle of your meal to support your digestive juices. The drugs used to "sop" up the acids in your stomach literally paralyze the cells that normally make the digestive acids. You will never get off those drugs unless you are really serious and coached by a sharp consultant.
If you are contemplating taking any type of medication, you should first change what you are doing every day. Are you eating sweets that paralyze your immune system, causing you to need an antibiotic? Are you eating too many French fries that will raise your cholesterol? Are you drinking enough water? Water alone helps to lower your blood pressure and will help with colon function.
Are you depressed? The depressed patients that I see tend to have subpar or low thyroid function. We help the thyroid get back on track with the iodine and a few other nutrients determined by blood tests. An area that concerns me regarding antidepressants are the 50 million Americans currently taking antidepressants. Make sure you are taking a good quality fish oil, such as Biomega-3. Taking the right oils will assist your body function optimally. Dr. Bob
Eggs: More than Protein
Dr. Bob DeMaria
Eggs are a great source of vitamin D, protein, minerals (including sulfur), and cholesterol necessary for the production of hormones. Chicken eggs are the most common used in the US. Eggs supply all the essential amino acids for humans and provide several vitamins and minerals including the fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K. They also supply Riboflavin or B2, Folic Acid B6 and B12, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. I know many individuals have avoided eggs for years because they were concerned their chances for a heart attack would increase.
Here's the shocker. The sugar in donuts will create more of a heart challenge than eggs when you really analyze the cause of heart disease. I encourage our patients to eat organic, high omega-3 eggs. I have discovered patients who have had a challenge with eggs in the past, may be pleasantly surprised when they switch over to organic sourced varieties versus conventional products with growth enhancing hormones and chemicals. You may want to have a blood spot test for your essential fatty acid levels to see how your EPA for the heart is going, if you have a concern about heart health. Dr. Bob
Protect Your Heart from “Torpedoes”
Dr. Bob DeMaria
Cholesterol is not necessarily bad, it is purposeful. Cholesterol has a job to do. If you cholesterol were above 200, I would not recommend a "lowering" medication without first minimizing and eliminating sugar, trans fat, or partially hydrogenated oils. Never eat "Torpedoes of Death" aka Donuts. The main ingredients in donuts: wheat, sugar, cream, trans fat, sprinkles, and preservatives create total confusion to your body's natural fire prevention system. When you eat pastries and croissants, like I regularly review in diet journals from patients with a history of major heart dysfunction, you are sabotaging your intestines ability to absorb minerals.
Wheat products literally "glue" the little villi in your intestines together. This shows up on ACG (Acoustic Cardiogram) findings as a heart quiver. We translate sound energy from the valves closing to a graph. The heart is actually momentarily hesitating. I have also observed pockets of intestinal gas in the lower spinal X-ray views. The gas is from poor digestion created by the gluten. Gluten sensitivity is increasingly common. Why do you think "Gluten-Free" aisles are popping up at your local grocery? Over time, when you improve your diet, you will be more able to absorb minerals, your heart and energy will also improve.
*Note, if your cholesterol is above 200, cut out wheat and sugar products completely.
Do not go on statins, rather eat one half of a red apple daily, one third cup of beets, and four or five baby, or one medium carrots. Your cholesterol will stabilize over time. I see it everyday. Dr. Bob
Blood Pressure Havoc
Dr. Bob DeMaria
Big Pharma, what a lot of "natural" practitioners call the pharmaceutical manufacturers has done it again. They are trying to convince the public they need the new "Ply Pill" which has a cholesterol lowering fragment, three blood pressure medications, and aspirin; five pills in one. I am not sure about you, but the pharmaceutical company tried to create a duo pill already to lower cholesterol which caused a lot of havoc.
The best way to lower your blood pressure is avoiding refined carbohydrates and using unrefined salt. You do not want to use refined salt, which raises your blood pressure. Carbohydrates, especially those pastries and cookies, increase insulin, causes retention of sodium. This means your body is holding onto water. Have you noticed people who eat a lot of carbohydrates appear to be water logged, and when they cut back on sweets, they lose a lot of water weight quickly?
Eating sweets will raise your blood pressure; scientists did research on mummies who ate the low fat, high carbohydrate diet, and found the mummies have scars on their blood vessels similar to high blood pressure findings. Lack of vitamin D effects calcium movement in the body. Calcium assists in relaxing blood vessels. I have also noticed blood pressure go down when some lose weight, but I also have seen thin people have blood pressure issues. Dr. Bob
Male Breast Cancer: The Next Health Epidemic
Dr. Bob DeMaria
Men, do you know you have a greater potential to have breast cancer from the water you drink, the meat you eat, and the chemicals you are exposed while golfing and working in the yard? This is the next global epidemic; do you think they will have light blue ribbons? What are you going to do about it? I just had a patient come into my office with a breast tumor removed. On the other hand, I have seen my share of men show up in my office with a tear in their eye because they were told they have prostate cancer and were encouraged to remove their prostate. Do you take a statin (the drug used to lower your cholesterol)? Do you know one of the side effects of statins is ED (Erectile Dysfunction)? Negative effects of the medication you take for blood pressure also can cause ED. Not to make light of the situation, but your prescribing health care provider will tell you not to worry since they will have a pill available to increase your ability to engage in intimate activity with your partner. What do you think? Do you take an aspirin a day? Do you know the aspirin a day is a factor for bleeding? Without blood, you will be tired. What are we going to do about it? Men, it's time to get SERIOUS about your health. Dr. Bob
Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols
In nature, eight substances have been found to have vitamin E activity: α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherol; and α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol. Yet, of all papers on vitamin E listed in PubMed less than 1% relate to tocotrienols. The abundance of α-tocopherol in the human body and the comparable efficiency of all vitamin E molecules as antioxidants, led biologists to neglect the non-tocopherol vitamin E molecules as topics for basic and clinical research. Recent developments warrant a serious reconsideration of this conventional wisdom. Tocotrienols possess powerful neuroprotective, anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering properties that are often not exhibited by tocopherols. Current developments in vitamin E research clearly indicate that members of the vitamin E family are not redundant with respect to their biological functions. α-Tocotrienol, γ-tocopherol, and δ-tocotrienol have emerged as vitamin E molecules with functions in health and disease that are clearly distinct from that of α-tocopherol. At nanomolar concentration, α-tocotrienol, not α-tocopherol, prevents neurodegeneration. On a concentration basis, this finding represents the most potent of all biological functions exhibited by any natural vitamin E molecule. An expanding body of evidence support that members of the vitamin E family are functionally unique. In recognition of this fact, title claims in manuscripts should be limited to the specific form of vitamin E studied. For example, evidence for toxicity of a specific form of tocopherol in excess may not be used to conclude that high-dosage “vitamin E” supplementation may increase all-cause mortality. Such conclusion incorrectly implies that tocotrienols are toxic as well under conditions where tocotrienols were not even considered. The current state of knowledge warrants strategic investment into the lesser known forms of vitamin E. This will enable prudent selection of the appropriate vitamin E molecule for studies addressing a specific need.
Keywords: antioxidant, redox, nutrient, supplement, neuroprotection
Introduction to Vitamine and Vitamin E
In 1905, Englishman William Fletcher determined that if special factors (vitamins) were removed from food disease ensued. Fletcher was researching the causes of the disease Beriberi when he discovered that eating unpolished rice prevented Beriberi and eating polished rice did not. William Fletcher believed that there were special nutrients contained in the husk of the rice. Next year, English biochemist Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins also discovered that certain food factors were important to health. In 1912, Polish scientist Cashmir Funk named the special nutritional parts of food as a "vitamine" after "vita" meaning life and "amine" from compounds found in the thiamine he isolated from rice husks. Vitamine was later shortened to vitamin when it was discovered that not all of the vitamins contain nitrogen, and, therefore, not all are amines. Together, Hopkins and Funk formulated the vitamin hypothesis of deficiency disease - that a lack of vitamins could make people sick. Vitamin E was discovered in 1922 in green leafy vegetables by University of California researchers, Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop. In 1924, Sure named it vitamin E. Because E supported fertility, it was scientifically named tocopherol. This comes from the Greek word tokos meaning childbirth, and phero meaning to bring forth, and the ol ending was added to indicate the alcohol properties of this molecule. In 1936 it was discovered that vitamin E was abundant in wheat germ oil. Two years later, it was chemically synthesized for the first time. The U.S. National Research Council sponsored studies on deficiencies of vitamin E, and based on the results E was designated an essential vitamin. Vitamin E emerged as an essential, fat-soluble nutrient that functions as an antioxidant in the human body. It is essential, because the body cannot manufacture its own vitamin E and foods and supplements must provide it. Since the elucidation of the chemical structure of vitamin E in 1938 by Fenholz and the synthesis of dl-α-tocopherol by Karrer in the same year, specific focus was directed on the chemical class of natural compounds that qualify to be vitamin E. At present, vitamin E represents a generic term for all tocopherols and their derivatives having the biological activity of RRR-α-tocopherol, the naturally occurring stereoisomer compounds with vitamin E activity (Traber and Packer, 1995; Traber and Sies, 1996). In nature, eight substances have been found to have vitamin E activity: α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocopherol; and α-, β-, γ- and δ-tocotrienol (Figure 1). Yet, of the 24000+ papers on vitamin E listed in PubMed, only just over 200 relate to tocotrienols (Table 1). The current handicap in knowledge of how tocotrienols may be implicated in human health and disease and the significance of filling that void in vitamin E research is discussed in this minireview.
Biosynthesis of tocopherols and tocotrienols
Vitamin E are essential components of the human diet and are synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms. Tocopherols consist of a chromanol ring and a 15-carbon tail derived from homogentisate (HGA) and phytyl diphosphate, respectively (Fig. 1). Condensation of HGA and phytyl diphosphate, the committed step in tocopherol biosynthesis, is catalyzed by HGA phytyltransferase (HPT). Tocotrienols differ structurally from tocopherols by the presence of three trans double bonds in the hydrocarbon tail (Fig. 1). Tocotrienols are the primary form of vitamin E in the seed endosperm of most monocots, including agronomically important cereal grains such as wheat, rice, and barley. Tocotrienols are also found in the seed endosperm of a limited number of dicots, including Apiaceae species and certain Solanaeceae species, such as tobacco. These molecules are found only rarely in vegetative tissues of plants. Crude palm oil extracted from the fruits of Elaeis guineensis particularly contains a high amount of tocotrienols (up to 800 mg/kg), mainly consisting of γ-tocotrienol and α-tocotrienol. Tocopherols, by contrast, occur ubiquitously in plant tissues and are the exclusive form of vitamin E in leaves of plants and seeds of most dicots. Transgenic expression of the barley HGGT (homogentisic acid transferase, which catalyzes the committed step of tocotrienol biosynthesis) in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves resulted in accumulation of tocotrienols, which were absent from leaves of nontransformed plants, and a 10- to 15-fold increase in total vitamin E antioxidants (tocotrienols plus tocopherols). Overexpression of the barley HGGT in corn seeds resulted in an increase in tocotrienol and tocopherol content of as much as six-fold. These results provide insight into the genetic basis for tocotrienol biosynthesis in plants and demonstrate the ability to enhance the antioxidant content of crops by introduction of an enzyme that redirects metabolic flux (Cahoon et al., 2003). Recently, another strategy involving genetic engineering of metabolic pathways in plants has proved to be efficient in bolstering tocotrienol biosynthesis (Rippert et al., 2004). In plants, phenylalanine is the precursor of a myriad of secondary compounds termed phenylpropanoids. In contrast, much less carbon is incorporated into tyrosine that provides p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate and homogentisate, the aromatic precursors of vitamin E. The flux of these two compounds has been upregulated by deriving their synthesis directly at the level of prephenate. This was achieved by the expression of the yeast prephenate dehydrogenase gene in tobacco plants that already overexpress the Arabidopsis p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase coding sequence. A massive accumulation of tocotrienols was observed in leaves. These molecules, which were undetectable in wild-type leaves, became the major forms of vitamin E in the leaves of the transgenic lines. An increased resistance of the transgenic plants toward the herbicidal p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase inhibitor diketonitril was also observed. Thus, the synthesis of p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate is a limiting step for the accumulation of vitamin E in plants (Rippert et al., 2004).
Tocotrienols: A cameo role in the side-lines of tocopherol celebrity
Often, the term vitamin E is synonymously used with α-tocopherol. While the expression is correct it is incomplete and may be often misleading. d-α-Tocopherol (RRR-α-tocopherol) has the highest bioavailability and is the standard against which all the others must be compared. However, it is only one out of eight natural forms of vitamin E. Tocotrienols, formerly known as ζ,
or η-tocopherols (Fig. 1), are similar to tocopherols except that they have an isoprenoid tail with three unsaturation points instead of a saturated phytyl tail (Fig. 1). Interestingly, tocotrienols possess powerful neuroprotective, antioxidant, anti-cancer and cholesterol lowering properties that often differ from the properties of tocopherols (Table 1). Micromolar amounts of tocotrienol suppress the activity of HMG-CoA reductase, the hepatic enzyme responsible for cholesterol synthesis (Pearce et al., 1994; Pearce et al., 1992). Tocotrienols are thought to have more potent antioxidant properties than α-tocopherol (Serbinova et al., 1991; Serbinova and Packer, 1994). The unsaturated side chain of tocotrienol allows for more efficient penetration into tissues that have saturated fatty layers such as the brain and liver (Suzuki et al., 1993). Experimental research examining the antioxidant, free radical scavenging effects of tocopherol and tocotrienols revealed that tocotrienols appear superior due to their better distribution in the fatty layers of the cell membrane (Suzuki et al., 1993). One major justification often used to side-line tocotrienol research is the relative inferiority of the bioavailability of orally taken tocotrienols compared to that of α-tocopherol. The hepatic α-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP), together with the tocopherol-associated proteins (TAP) is responsible for the endogenous accumulation of natural α-tocopherol. Although these systems have a much lower affinity to transport tocotrienols, it has been evident that orally supplemented tocotrienol results in plasma tocotrienol concentration in the range of 1 μM (O'Byrne et al., 2000). Of note, such circulating levels of α-tocotrienol are almost an order of magnitude higher than that required to protect neurons against a range of neurotoxic insults (Khanna et al., 2003; Sen et al., 2000). Despite such promising potential, tocotrienol research accounts for less than 1% of all vitamin E research published in PubMed. The unique vitamin action of α-tocopherol, combined with its prevalence in the human body and the similar efficiency of tocopherols as chain-breaking antioxidants, led biologists to almost completely discount the "minor" vitamin E molecules as topics for basic and clinical research. Recent discoveries have forced a serious reconsideration of this conventional wisdom (Hensley et al., 2004).
α -Tocopherol: Riding the wave for five decades
In 1950, Kamimura’s treatment of frostbite using α-tocopherol represents one of the earliest therapeutic applications of the vitamin (Kamimura, 1977). Early works of Tappel identified that α-tocopherol effectively inhibits biological oxidation processes (Tappel, 1953, 1954, 1955; Zalkin and Tappel, 1960; Zalkin et al., 1960). It was soon realized that tocopherol deficiency in humans led to elevated levels of oxidative lipid damage and erythrocyte hemolysis (Horwitt et al., 1956). These observations set the stage for the emergence of tocopherol as a biological antioxidant (Green and Bunyan, 1969), a concept that drew widespread attention in the decades to follow. Two decades after the “biological antioxidant theory” (Green and Bunyan, 1969) was reported, Burton and Ingold presented the first comprehensive review article discussing that α-tocopherol has near optimal activity as a chain-breaking antioxidant and that both the phenolic head and phytyl tails contributed to the biological properties of the vitamin E molecule (Burton and Ingold, 1989). α-Tocopherol gained recognition as the most important lipophilic radical-chain-breaking antioxidant in tissues in vivo. Deficiency of α-tocopherol in membranes made them highly permeable and therefore vulnerable to degradation. Tocopherols seemed also to influence other important biophysical membrane characteristics, such as fluidity, in a manner similar to that of cholesterol. Studies of the antioxidant properties led to the recognition that during the reaction of α-tocopherol with an appropriate oxidizing species, α-tocopherol may be oxidized to α-tocopheryl quinine (Seward et al., 1969). In latter studies where peroxidizing lipids were used to induce the formation of antioxidant radicals, electron spin resonance spectroscopy revealed that free radical interactions of dl-α-tocopherol generate dl-α-tocopheroxyl radicals. It was thus realized that α-tocopherol is only available as an antioxidant for a short period of time (Lambelet and Loliger, 1984). Importantly, it was noted that the reaction kinetics and stability of the four tocopherols were not identical. The fast reacting dl-α-tocopherol reacted more rapidly and trapped free radicals more thoroughly and was therefore only available as an antioxidant for a short period of time as compared with the slowly reacting dl-δ-tocopherol. dl-β- and dl-γ-Tocopherols behaved in an intermediate way (Lambelet and Loliger, 1984). That ascorbate can transfer hydrogen to α-tocopheroxyl radicals and thus regenerate α-tocopherol (Bascetta et al., 1983) encouraged the concept of antioxidant recycling. Mass analysis studies demonstrated that tocopherol can be regenerated in human cell homogenates implying that maintenance of membrane tocopherol status may be an essential function of ascorbate and GSH which operate in concert to ensure maximum membrane protection against oxidative damage (Chan et al., 1991). While the concept of antioxidant recycling was extended to build the “antioxidant network” hypothesis (Packer and Suzuki, 1993), skepticism regarding whether such interactions take place in vivo stirred the field (Strain and Mulholland, 1992). In the late eighties, the discovery that oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein is a key trigger for atherosclerosis represented a major breakthrough in biomedical research. The early nineties was thus a time when numerous laboratories studied mechanisms underlying the oxidation of LDL and the inhibition of such oxidation. Because α-tocopherol was identified as the major antioxidant present in human lipoproteins, it received much attention as a suppressor of LDL lipid oxidation and as an epidemiological marker for ischemic heart disease. While most laboratories were excited about α-tocopherol preventing LDL oxidation, Stocker et al published conditions under which α-tocopherol may actually act as a pro-oxidant via the α-tocopheroxyl radical (Bowry et al., 1995). This direct link established between vitamin E chemistry and health outcomes drew significant attention underscoring the potential adverse effects of redox-active antioxidant nutrients. Although the relevance of the proposed antioxidant network remained to be proven in in vivo systems, enthusiasm for therapeutic regimens including multiple antioxidant members of the network soared (Albanes et al., 1996; DeCosse et al., 1989; Fuchs and Kern, 1998; Hartman et al., 1998; Liede et al., 1998; McKeown-Eyssen et al., 1988; Mireles-Rocha et al., 2002; Porkkala-Sarataho et al., 2000; Rapola et al., 1998; Rapola et al., 1997; Salonen et al., 2000; Teikari et al., 1998; Teikari et al., 1997; Woodson et al., 1999) resulting in quite a few clinical trials at a time when basic scientists were still trying to grasp the fundamentals.
Functional uniqueness of vitamin E family members: Caution against empirical claims
All eight tocols in the vitamin E family share close structural similarity (Fig. 1) and hence comparable antioxidant efficacy (Table 1). Yet, current studies of the biological functions of vitamin E continue to indicate that members in the vitamin E family possess unique biological functions often not shared by other family members. One of the earliest observations suggesting that α-tocopherol may have functions independent of its antioxidant property came from the study of platelet adhesion. α-Tocopherol strongly inhibits platelet adhesion. Doses of 400 IU/day provide greater than 75% inhibition of platelet adhesion to a variety of adhesive proteins when tested at low shear rate in a laminar flow chamber. The antiadhesive effect of α-tocopherol appeared to be related to a reduction in the number and size of pseudopodia upon platelet activation and led to the hypothesis that within the body vitamin E may exert functions beyond its antioxidant property (Steiner, 1993). That members of the tocopherol family may have functions independent of their antioxidant properties gained more prominence when vitamin E molecules with comparable antioxidant properties exhibited contrasting biological effects (Boscoboinik et al., 1991). At the posttranslational level, α-tocopherol inhibits protein kinase C, 5-lipoxygenase and phospholipase A2 and activates protein phosphatase 2A and diacylglycerol kinase. Some genes (e.g. scavenger receptors, α-TTP, α-tropomyosin, matrix metalloproteinase-19 and collagenase) are specifically modulated by α-tocopherol at the transcriptional level. α-Tocopherol also inhibits cell proliferation, platelet aggregation and monocyte adhesion. These effects have been characterized to be unrelated to the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, and possibly reflect specific interactions of α-tocopherol with enzymes, structural proteins, lipids and transcription factors (Zingg and Azzi, 2004). γ-Tocopherol represents the major form of vitamin E in the diet in the USA, but not in Europe. Desmethyl tocopherols, such as γ-tocopherol and specific tocopherol metabolites, most notably the carboxyethyl-hydroxychroman (CEHC) products, exhibit functions that are not shared by α-tocopherol. The activities of these other tocopherols do not map directly to their chemical antioxidant behavior but rather reflect anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, and natriuretic functions possibly mediated through specific binding interactions (Hensley et al., 2004). Metabolites of γ-tocopherol (2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(beta-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman), but not that of α-tocopherol, provides natriuretic activity. Moreover, a nascent body of epidemiological data suggests that γ-tocopherol is a better negative risk factor for certain types of cancer and myocardial infarction than is α-tocopherol (Wagner et al., 2004). Further evidence supporting the unique biological significance of vitamin E family members is provided by current results derived from α-tocotrienol research. As illustrated in Table 1, α-tocotrienol possesses numerous functions that are not shared by α-tocopherol. For example, nanomolar concentrations of α-tocotrienol uniquely prevents inducible neurodegeneration by regulating specific mediators of cell death (Khanna et al., 2003; Sen et al., 2000). In addition, tocopherols do not seem to share the cholesterol-lowering properties of tocotrienol (Qureshi et al., 1986; Qureshi et al., 2002). Tocotrienol, not tocopherol, administration reduces oxidative protein damage and extends the mean life span of C. elegans (Adachi and Ishii, 2000). Furthermore, tocotrienol but not tocopherol, suppresses growth of human breast cancer cells (Nesaretnam et al., 1995). Such expanding body of evidence indicating that members of the vitamin E family are functionally unique calls for a revisit of the current practices in vitamin E research. Research claims should be limited to the specific form of vitamin E studied. For example, evidence for toxicity of a specific form of tocopherol in excess may not be used to conclude that high-dosage vitamin E supplementation may increase all-cause mortality (Miller et al., 2005). Along these lines, it may not be prudent to express frustrations about the net yield of vitamin E research as a whole (Greenberg, 2005) when all that has been tested for efficacy on a limited basis in clinical trials is α-tocopherol. Vitamin E represents one of the most fascinating natural resources that have the potential to influence a broad range of mechanisms underlying human health and disease. Yet, clinical outcomes studies have failed to meet expectations (Friedrich, 2004; Greenberg, 2005). The current state of knowledge warrants strategic investment into the lesser known forms of vitamin E with emphasis on uncovering the specific conditions that govern the function of vitamin E molecules in vivo. Outcomes studies designed in light of such information would yield lucrative returns.
Statin Drugs are Bad for You and Why You Need Cholesterol - Video
Time: 7:38 | Added: 8/28/2009 | |||
Views: 5379 | ||||
Statin drugs, prescribed to control cardiovascular health, can actually cause more harm to your body, instead of helping it. Lowering cholesterol can put you at risk and can cause you to develop cancer. Andreas Moritz says it can't be proven that cholesterol causes heart disease - he says it protects against heart disease. | ||||
Contributor(s): Moritz, Andreas | ||||
Tags: cancer, cholesterol, cardiovascular health, prescription drugs, statin drugs | ||||
Good Blood Pressure Reading
December 17, 2012 | Posted by admin underBlood Pressure |
- Eating a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts, fishes and low-fat dairy food products.
- Lessening the salt in your diet to no more than 1,500mg a day. This amount includes the salt and sodium from processed foods, frozen dinners and canned items.
- Maintaining a healthy weight based on your height, age and physical condition.
- Increasing your amount of time devoted to exercise or even just any other physical activity that will make you sweat.
- Abstaining from the consumption of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
- Managing your stress and getting sufficient sleep.
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