Heavy Exercise + Anger = A Deadly Combination
The next time you're piping mad, cool off a bit before hitting the gym. A new study shows anger plus heavy exercise can be a deadly combination.
"When angry, they shouldn't be involving themselves in extreme physical exertion. You don't get angry, furious, and then chop a stack of wood," Barry Jacobs, a psychologist at Crozer-Keystone Health System said.
The Canadian study examined more than 12,000 people, mostly men, with an average age of 58.
The study showed that being very angry doubled their risk of heart attack. Extreme physical exertion also doubled their heart attack risk. But combine the two and it triples.
"The authors of the study point out quite correctly that regular physical exercise is extremely important for heart health and for general health. They're not talking about regular physical exercise; they're talking about extreme physical exertion, especially when accompanied by extreme anger," Jacobs explained.
The research shows the heart attack usually happens within an hour of the angry exercise and most often occurs between 6 p.m. and midnight.
"Those two things together triple the risk for someone to have a heart attack, especially if you're middle-aged, if you have cardiac risk factors. People need to be careful," Jacobs warned.
So, for better heart health, learn to control your anger and stick to regular exercise.
The next time you're piping mad, cool off a bit before hitting the gym. A new study shows anger plus heavy exercise can be a deadly combination.
"When angry, they shouldn't be involving themselves in extreme physical exertion. You don't get angry, furious, and then chop a stack of wood," Barry Jacobs, a psychologist at Crozer-Keystone Health System said.
The Canadian study examined more than 12,000 people, mostly men, with an average age of 58.
The study showed that being very angry doubled their risk of heart attack. Extreme physical exertion also doubled their heart attack risk. But combine the two and it triples.
"The authors of the study point out quite correctly that regular physical exercise is extremely important for heart health and for general health. They're not talking about regular physical exercise; they're talking about extreme physical exertion, especially when accompanied by extreme anger," Jacobs explained.
The research shows the heart attack usually happens within an hour of the angry exercise and most often occurs between 6 p.m. and midnight.
"Those two things together triple the risk for someone to have a heart attack, especially if you're middle-aged, if you have cardiac risk factors. People need to be careful," Jacobs warned.
So, for better heart health, learn to control your anger and stick to regular exercise.
"When angry, they shouldn't be involving themselves in extreme physical exertion. You don't get angry, furious, and then chop a stack of wood," Barry Jacobs, a psychologist at Crozer-Keystone Health System said.
The Canadian study examined more than 12,000 people, mostly men, with an average age of 58.
The study showed that being very angry doubled their risk of heart attack. Extreme physical exertion also doubled their heart attack risk. But combine the two and it triples.
"The authors of the study point out quite correctly that regular physical exercise is extremely important for heart health and for general health. They're not talking about regular physical exercise; they're talking about extreme physical exertion, especially when accompanied by extreme anger," Jacobs explained.
The research shows the heart attack usually happens within an hour of the angry exercise and most often occurs between 6 p.m. and midnight.
"Those two things together triple the risk for someone to have a heart attack, especially if you're middle-aged, if you have cardiac risk factors. People need to be careful," Jacobs warned.
So, for better heart health, learn to control your anger and stick to regular exercise.
: Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
Joe Cross’ 3-Day Weekend Juice Cleanse
Documentary filmmaker and health advocate Joe Cross discovered a whole new body by vowing to change his life and his health by only drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 60 days. When Cross started filming Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, he was 100 pounds overweight, on multiple prescription drugs and suffering from an autoimmune disease. He decided to drastically alter his lifestyle and tap into the body’s natural healing abilities by juicing. The results: Cross lost the weight, got off his meds and sought out to spread his message and the success of his personal journey with the masses.
*****************************GET THE NUTRIBULLET JUICER... THE ONLY ONE YOU'LL NEED.... EASY TO USE AND CLEAN UP...************ ******* ******
Print this shopping list.
Get the complete list of juice recipes and dinner suggestions.
Watch the complete documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

Why might someone consider juicing?
According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of The
Super Immunity Diet, juicing helps unleash
the natural healing power of the body. Juicing
floods your system with powerful nutrients
and antioxidants. It may also help retrain y
our taste buds to enjoy healthy fruits and
vegetables, making it the first step toward a
long-lasting lifestyle change, or jumpstarting
a weight-loss regimen. Dr. Fuhrman also
juicing can be beneficial for people with
elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure,
and those suffering from autoimmune
diseases, like arthritis, digestive problems and
skin conditions. Read more about the benefits of juicing.
While 60 days of juicing is extreme, and should never be attempted without the supervision of a physician, juicing for shorter amounts of time can still be beneficial.
Note: Before starting any cleanse, make sure to consult your physician, especially if you have a medical condition like diabetes. Also, don’t participate if you’re pregnant or nursing. Detoxes are also not a substitute for medical diagnoses or treatment.
To help you reap the benefits of juicing, Cross has developed a 3-day weekend cleanse that you can do with simple ingredients right at home. But before you get started, there are a few rules you'll need to get familiar with.
*****************************GET THE NUTRIBULLET JUICER... THE ONLY ONE YOU'LL NEED.... EASY TO USE AND CLEAN UP...************ ******* ******
Print this shopping list.
Get the complete list of juice recipes and dinner suggestions.
Watch the complete documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

Why might someone consider juicing?
According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of The
Super Immunity Diet, juicing helps unleash
the natural healing power of the body. Juicing
floods your system with powerful nutrients
and antioxidants. It may also help retrain y
our taste buds to enjoy healthy fruits and
vegetables, making it the first step toward a
long-lasting lifestyle change, or jumpstarting
a weight-loss regimen. Dr. Fuhrman also
juicing can be beneficial for people with
elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure,
and those suffering from autoimmune
diseases, like arthritis, digestive problems and
skin conditions. Read more about the benefits of juicing.
While 60 days of juicing is extreme, and should never be attempted without the supervision of a physician, juicing for shorter amounts of time can still be beneficial.
Note: Before starting any cleanse, make sure to consult your physician, especially if you have a medical condition like diabetes. Also, don’t participate if you’re pregnant or nursing. Detoxes are also not a substitute for medical diagnoses or treatment.
To help you reap the benefits of juicing, Cross has developed a 3-day weekend cleanse that you can do with simple ingredients right at home. But before you get started, there are a few rules you'll need to get familiar with.
12 Heart Healthy Foods for Smoothies to Decrease Your Risk Of Heart Disease
4The number one leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease. This silent killer can affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities. In fact, approximately 600,000 people die from heart disease every year. Smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol all lead to heart disease in many people. It also has co-morbidity with diabetes, obesity, poor diet, excessive alcohol use, and lack of exercise. Although it affects both men and women, men were responsible for more than half of the deaths caused by heart disease.
Medical experts are stressing the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the incidence of heart attack, and coronary heart disease. Besides exercising a regular basis, eating heart healthy foods is an essential way people can protect themselves. While research continues to reveal new foods that benefit the heart and circulatory system, there are certain foods that can improve the function and health of your heart.
Adding any of these heart healthy foods to your smoothie is a good idea. Well, except for Salmon.
Here is a list of some of our healthy smoothies.
Medical experts are stressing the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid the incidence of heart attack, and coronary heart disease. Besides exercising a regular basis, eating heart healthy foods is an essential way people can protect themselves. While research continues to reveal new foods that benefit the heart and circulatory system, there are certain foods that can improve the function and health of your heart.
Adding any of these heart healthy foods to your smoothie is a good idea. Well, except for Salmon.
- Yogurt: Eating yogurt on a regular basis can lead to healthy gums. Research shows that gum disease can elevate your risk for heart disease. The live probiotic cultures contained in yogurt help to discourage the growth of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. When buying yogurt, make sure to purchase a brand that contains live cultures.
- Raisins: Rich in antioxidants, raisins also prevent harmful bacteria from developing around the gums. While 50% of Americans have been diagnosed with gum disease, researchers have been studying its correlation with heart related problems.
- Whole Grains: Whole grains contain large amounts of antioxidants, phytosterols, and phytoestrogens. All have been found to protect against coronary artery disease. They also contain heart healthy fiber. Make sure to add plenty of barley, beans, eggplant, and oatmeal into your diet.
- Beans: Adding a half cup of beans to your daily eating regimen can help to reduce your cholesterol. As the beans are being processed, they help bind cholesterol, and keep it from being absorbed. They also help clean out the intestines.
- Salmon: Oily types of fish contain an element known as Omega 3 fatty acids. This amazing component can actually help to keep the heart beating regularly. They lower levels of blood clotting materials within the blood. You can also get Omega 3 acids from flaxseed oil, and walnuts.
- Chocolate: Dark chocolate is laced with a component known as flavanols, which encourage the healthy function of the blood vessels. It has a blood thinning effect which enables the blood to pump smoothly throughout the circulatory system.
- Tomatoes: High in lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and potassium, tomatoes are a super food. Try to eat them uncooked, as cooking them diminishes their lycopene and antioxidant content.
- Apples: After conducting a study following over 9,000 people over the course of 28 years, researchers have found that eating apples can reduce the incidence of stroke. They prevent the LDL in the blood from oxidizing; therefore, inhibiting inflammation and plaque from forming on the lining of the vessels.
- Berries: Want to increase your HDL cholesterol and lower your blood pressure? Simply add a cup of mixed berries into your daily diet for 8 weeks. You’ll notice the health benefits. Make sure to add plenty of black currants, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and other berries into your diet.
- Pomegranates: Not only do pomegranates lower blood pressure, but they help reduce harmful plaque buildup. After researching antioxidant levels in cranberry juice, blueberry juice, and red wine, pomegranates have shown to have the highest levels.
- Green Tea: By drinking 12 ounces of green tea daily, you can reduce your risk of heart attacks. Researchers have studied the Japanese, who have a low occurrence of heart disease. The catechins in the tea are thought to reduce the body’s inflammatory response.
- Wine: By drinking alcohol in moderation, you can raise your good HDL cholesterol levels, thin the blood, and decrease inflammation. Estrogens levels also increase, which is shown to protect the heart. Women who have experienced menopause can often decrease their risk for developing heart issues by drinking a glass of red wine in moderation.
Here is a list of some of our healthy smoothies.
Why Green Smoothies are so Good for Good Health
16It seems as if every day there’s a new weight loss fad guaranteeing to help you lose weight and keep it off. But these usually lead to disappointment and the weight just won’t go away.
Green smoothies may sound like a fad, but actually they’ve been around since 1988 when Dr. Ann Wigmore created what was then called “energy soup.” The basic recipe may have changed, but green smoothies are still a practical and healthy way to help you get to your desired weight and keep the weight off.
From green smoothies, you can promote weight loss without losing the nutrition, vitamins, minerals, fiber and good carbohydrates that you need to lose weight quickly and safely. But weight loss isn’t the only benefit of green smoothies.
According to the American Cancer Society, one should consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If you find that difficult a green smoothie can be a quick and convenient way to get those servings, particularly the dark, green leafy foods. Green smoothies generally contain your choice of leafy greens, like spinach, lettuce, or kale. Using fruit in your green smoothie will help mask the flavor of the vegetables you may not particularly care for. So instead of tasting spinach or kale, you can enjoy pineapple, mango, strawberry or banana.
Nobody really likes to talk about needing fiber, but everyone does. Green smoothies do a better job of promoting healthy digestion and elimination than fruit juice or using a juicer. Green smoothies use the whole fruit and vegetable so you don’t lose the nutrients contained in things like the peeling.
A benefit of consuming your fruits and vegetables in a smoothie is that the blending breaks down the food and improves the digestibility. The benefits are greater with a smoothie because you’re not cooking the nutrients out of the green vegetables. Or, you’re not adding salad dressing, croutons and cheese to make them palatable.
Green smoothies are plentiful in phytonutrients and antioxidants, helping your body to fight disease and promote optimum health.
These fiber-rich vegetables can help you feel full for longer periods of time. Plus cravings for junk food, including sugar will be significantly reduced. While caffeine and sugar filled drinks may give you an initial burst of energy, with a green smoothie you get a powerful boost from the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and you don’t experience that sudden sugar drop when the fuel runs out.
Here are some things you can add to your smoothies for extra nutrients:
Your options for smoothie recipes are endless, limited only by your creativity.
Green smoothies may sound like a fad, but actually they’ve been around since 1988 when Dr. Ann Wigmore created what was then called “energy soup.” The basic recipe may have changed, but green smoothies are still a practical and healthy way to help you get to your desired weight and keep the weight off.
From green smoothies, you can promote weight loss without losing the nutrition, vitamins, minerals, fiber and good carbohydrates that you need to lose weight quickly and safely. But weight loss isn’t the only benefit of green smoothies.
According to the American Cancer Society, one should consume 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. If you find that difficult a green smoothie can be a quick and convenient way to get those servings, particularly the dark, green leafy foods. Green smoothies generally contain your choice of leafy greens, like spinach, lettuce, or kale. Using fruit in your green smoothie will help mask the flavor of the vegetables you may not particularly care for. So instead of tasting spinach or kale, you can enjoy pineapple, mango, strawberry or banana.
Nobody really likes to talk about needing fiber, but everyone does. Green smoothies do a better job of promoting healthy digestion and elimination than fruit juice or using a juicer. Green smoothies use the whole fruit and vegetable so you don’t lose the nutrients contained in things like the peeling.
A benefit of consuming your fruits and vegetables in a smoothie is that the blending breaks down the food and improves the digestibility. The benefits are greater with a smoothie because you’re not cooking the nutrients out of the green vegetables. Or, you’re not adding salad dressing, croutons and cheese to make them palatable.
Green smoothies are plentiful in phytonutrients and antioxidants, helping your body to fight disease and promote optimum health.
These fiber-rich vegetables can help you feel full for longer periods of time. Plus cravings for junk food, including sugar will be significantly reduced. While caffeine and sugar filled drinks may give you an initial burst of energy, with a green smoothie you get a powerful boost from the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, and you don’t experience that sudden sugar drop when the fuel runs out.
Here are some things you can add to your smoothies for extra nutrients:
- Psyllium fiber is a great weight loss supplement that helps to satisfy the appetite and regulate the digestive system.
- Coconut milk is great for weight loss and adds great flavor. Coconut milk helps control blood sugar and build strong bones.
- Your local health food supply store will carry protein powers. Adding whey protein powders can be an easy way to add protein to your diet.
- Greek yogurt can add to the consistency and provide added health benefits. Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium and can help curb your appetite.
Your options for smoothie recipes are endless, limited only by your creativity.
Try an apple, kale, lemon smoothie
Ingredients:- 4 fresh peeled and cored apples
- 2 cups of water, half a cup of lemon juice
- 5 leaves of kale.
Or try a strawberry, banana, romaine smoothie
Ingredients:- 1 cup of strawberries
- 1/2 bunch of romaine
- 2 cups of water
- 2 bananas.
Tags :american cancer society, dr ann wigmore, fruits and vegetables, green smoothie, green smoothies, green vegetables, juicer, kale, leafy greens, lettuce, smoothie, smoothies, spinach
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